Today i found this amazing site via SUPERMARKET SARAH, (scroll down a bit to see my post about S S-i love it). The new amazing site is called PATERNITY, and is all about... yep, you've guessed it... PATTERNS. I will be forever obsessed with african patterns/aztec patterns/patterns of wooden or tiled floors so of course i naturally loved it, and they now have a wall in Supermarket Sarah and on the site... take a LOOK.

As quoted from
"PATERNITY is, as the name suggests, all about patterns. As well as allowing visitors to browse and share these through their archive Patternity also develop and source their very own brand of patterns. These are then applied to both objects and clothing, as can be seen on their fantastic kaleidoscopic wall, which they have guest-curated for Supermarket Sarah."

i really want this bag.

i LOVE this print.

i love the photographer, Rory Dcs as well.... the fashion shots of the items are fab. here is his WEBPAGE.

so. definitely want lots of money to buy lots of patterned stuff.
and now definitely in the mood to get back into making clothes/objects from old stuff. inspirational. i want a wall!